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The Migration Conference 2025 | 11 to 17 June 2025 London

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SUBMIT YOUR ABSTRACT HERE | Submission Deadline:  21 January 2025

SUBMIT YOUR SPECIAL SESSION PROPOSAL HEREInclude a short description and a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 abstracts in your panel.

Any further queries about Special Session proposals should be emailed to the conference committee at

For a full list of topics and thematic tracks, please see the Conference tracks page

Submission Guidelines

Abstract Submission Form 

Number of presentations at the conference: Authors may submit no more than 2 single authored papers or 3 co-authored papers in total.


Abstracts should state clearly the objectives, referring to relevant literature, methods, results and conclusions of the work, and should be no more than 500 words in length.

  • A maximum of 500 words.

Full conference papers will be published in proceeding books prepared as thematic volumes and published by Transnational Press London. All books will be assigned an ISBN number and will be made available in digital and print formats.

Full Papers and Publication Opportunities

Full papers submissions will be invited after the conference for edited books, special journal issues and proceedings books. These must be submitted via email at or other addresses instructed in special calls by deadlines indicated after the conference.

CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS BOOKS: You are NOT required to submit full short papers until after the conference (Deadline: 30 September 2025). Full conference proceedings papers are required to be short and should include a 100 words abstract and be maximum of 2000 words inclusive. It must state clearly the objectives, justification, literature review, data and methods, results and discussion, conclusions, and reference list. PLEASE DOWNLOAD THE FULL PAPER TEMPLATE HERE.


  • A maximum of 2,000 words including abstract and references.
  • Microsoft Word documents
  • Single spaced
  • 11-point Garamond font.


  • These must be in PowerPoint format, and have a maximum file size of 5Mb
  • Posters should be A1 format and printed on a single panel
  • The text should be around 25 point, with main headings no smaller than 36 point
  • Please avoid overloading your posters as cluttered posters are difficult to follow and extra space allows to highlight key points.

Special Sessions
Session proposals should be sent to the conference chair via email.
Please try to be brief and identify potential or agreed presenters for your session.

Terms and Conditions
Authors agree to abide by the following terms and conditions associated with submitting an abstract and/or paper for the TMC Conference:
Transnational Press London (“the Organiser” hereafter) offers management services and systems to the TMC. The deadline for submission of abstracts and papers is indicated on the Conference website. All abstracts and papers will be peer-reviewed by members of the Conference Committee and/or external reviewers when necessary.
All abstracts and papers should be in English or with an English short summary as the main language of the conference is English. We welcome papers and sessions in other languages. Tracks/streams in other languages can be organised too.
All abstracts and papers submitted should follow the submission guidelines.
The decision of the TMC Conference Chair in relation to the acceptance of the papers is final.
Authors will be notified of the decision following the review process.
By submitting an abstract/paper to be reviewed, the author(s) are indicating that at least one of the authors will attend the conference and present the paper. Any papers not presented by an author/co-author will not be included in the conference programme and proceedings.
All attendant presenters must register for the TMC Conference latest by the set deadline in key dates section, or their paper will be assumed withdrawn.
Successfully refereed papers may be published in the TMC Conference Proceedings which may be made available online from the Conference website following the Conference.
By submitting your abstract/paper (Contribution) to the Migration Conference:
You warrant that the contribution will be original and not violating any existing copyright of any third party; not containing unethical and unlawful material; are following generally accepted research ethics and practices; and you further warrant that you have full power to enter into this Agreement. If the Contribution does not conform to the warranties set out in this paragraph, you will indemnify the Organiser and the host institution against any claims, loss, injury, damage or costs (including legal costs) that arise as a result of your breach of warranty.
You are responsible at your own expense for obtaining permission for the inclusion of any third party copyright material you have used in your contribution.
Copyright in a possible publication of Conference Proceedings as a whole is shared between the author and the Organiser. Authors retain the rights to their individual papers which may be included in the proceedings, and by submitting their work for presentation at the Conference, authors grant a royalty-free, non-exclusive licence to the Organiser to reproduce the Contribution throughout the world in all forms (present, future and contingent, and including all renewals, extensions, revivals and all accrued rights of action).
The Organisers will have the right, where we consider it necessary, to revise, edit, amend and correct the Contribution in the interests of the relevance, consistency and quality of the style and content of the Proceedings as a whole. The Organisers will have the right to decline to publish the Contribution if, for any reason, it fails to meet with our full satisfaction.
The Conference Organisers, their publisher(s) and staff take no responsibility and accept no liability whatsoever for the accuracy, impact, or consequences of any paper published in the conference proceedings, whether refereed or not.
Papers reflect the authors’ opinions, not those of the Organisers, their publisher(s), or their staff.