TMC2024 Mexico

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The Migration Conference 2024 | 3 to 9 July 2024 MEXICO CITY

Submission Deadline: Extended to 21 March 2024 

TMC Support:  | E-mail: | Twitter: | SUBMIT YOUR ABSTRACT HERE

For Abstract Submissions click here. | Main language of the Conference is English, with special sessions and streams in other languages, you can submit abstracts in Spanish, French or Turkish too.

On behalf of The Migration Conference Organizing Committee, we cordially invite you to submit your abstracts for the 12th conference in the series which will be hosted by Iberoamericana University, Mexico City and supported by IBS (International Business School, UK) from 3 to 9 July 2024. The Conference is a forum for discussion where experts, young researchers and students, practitioners and policymakers working in the field of migration are encouraged to exchange their knowledge and experiences in a friendly and frank environment.

The conference is organised in thematic streams of parallel sessions focusing on migration, migrant populations, diasporas, migration policies, labour migrations, refugees, economic impacts, remittances as well as non-migrants and the wider impact of human mobility on sending, transit and receiving societies. The scientific programme of TMCs usually comprises invited talks, oral presentations, poster presentations, exhibitions and workshops. The conference hosts about 80 parallel sessions and several distinguished keynote speakers joining us in intriguing plenary sessions.

The conference venue is in Iberoamericana campus in Santa Fe, Mexico City.

We are expecting an interesting and highly motivating meeting and would be happy if you participated in this conference.

We are looking forward to seeing you at TMC2024 Mexico City in July 2024!

Prof Ibrahim Sirkeci, Prof Carla Pederzini, and Dr Karla Valenzuela (Co-Chairs)
On behalf of The Migration Conference 2024 Executive Team and Committee

Submission Guidelines

All papers presented at the conference must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another conference. Abstracts (up to 500 words) are invited for submission.

Abstracts should state clearly the objectives, referring to relevant literature, methods, results and conclusions of the work, and should be no more than 500 words in length.

Main language of the Conference is English, with special sessions and streams in other languages, you can submit abstracts in Spanish or Turkish too.

CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS: You are NOT required to submit full short papers until after the conference (Deadline: 15 September 2024). Full conference proceedings papers are required to be short (i.e. maximum of 2,000 words inclusive). It must state clearly the objectives, justification, literature review, data and methods, results and discussion, conclusions, and reference list. PLEASE DOWNLOAD THE FULL PAPER TEMPLATE HERE.

There will be a limited number of poster sessions too.


  • These must be in PowerPoint format and have a maximum file size of 10Mb
  • Posters should be A1 format and printed on a single panel
  • The text should be around 25 points, with main headings no smaller than 36 points
  • Please avoid overloading your posters as cluttered posters are difficult to follow and extra space allows to highlight key points.

Special Sessions/Panels
Session proposals should be emailed to the conference committee at
Please try to be brief and identify potential or agreed presenters for your session.

For a List of Topics (Not exhaustive) – please see the Conference Tracks page.