TMC 2024 Sessions

The Migration Conference 2024, Mexico City – SESSION TIMETABLE


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[All Mexican Times – GMT/UTC: -06:00] 

3 July 2024, Wednesday

Opening Plenary Session [Auditorio Sánchez Villaseñor, Building N] [09:30 – 11:30]

[11:45 – 13:15]

1A    Procesos de movilidad y migración internacional en el Estado de México [Español] [ Room: R134 ]

1B    Ayer y hoy: un recorrido por la historia de las relaciones migratorias en la Frontera México-EE.UU – 1 [Español]  [ Room: R136 ]

1C    Integration 1  [ Room: R138 ]

1D        Environment and Migration 1  [ Room: R140 ]

1E    Labor market integration of Migrants /Integración de los migrantes al Mercado laboral [Español]  [ Room: R142 ]

1F     Teoría y conceptualización  [Español]  [ Room: R143 ]

1G        The long-term implications of migration in the intersection of gender, ethnicity, class, and space: Global South Perspective on Israel/Palestine   [ Room: Xavier Schiffler (Level 2) ]

1H        La aplicación de Enfoques de Derechos Humanos e Interseccionalidad en la atención a las personas migrantes; avances y desafíos en México a partir de la pandemia por COVID-19 [Español]  [ Room: Fernando Bustos (Level 2) ]


3 July 2024, Wednesday 14:15 – 15:45

2A    Exploring Practitioner Perspectives: Enhancing Policy, Data, and Humanitarian Approaches in Addressing Asylum Issues [Español]  [ Room: R134 ]

2B    Ayer y hoy: un recorrido por la historia de las relaciones migratorias en la Frontera México-EE.UU – 2 [Español]  [ Room: R136 ]

2C    Migration, Space and Place 1  [ Room: R138 ]

2D        Migratory Crisis in Latin America: Signs of the Times 1 [Español]  [ Room: R140 ]

2E    New realities of Migration in Latin America/ Nuevas realidades migratorias en América Latina [Español]  [ Room: R142 ]

2F     Migration, Law and Policy 1  [ Room: R143 ]

2G        Migraciones, Globalización y Transnacionalismo 1 [Español]  [ Room: Xavier Schiffler (Level 2) ]

2H        Remittances, households and social development in Mexico/ Remesas, hogares y desarrollo social en México  [ Room: Fernando Bustos (Level 2) ]


3 July 2024, Wednesday 16:00 – 17:30

3A    Derechos Humanos, legislación y desafíos en el contexto migratorio actual de México: una perspectiva desde la Cámara de Diputados [Español]  [ Room: R134 ]

3B    Arts, Media and Migration   [ Room: R136 ]

3C    Integration 2  [ Room: R138 ]

3D        Migration Pathways in Europe  [ Room: R140 ]

3E    Wellbeing and Migration 1   [ Room: R142 ]

3 F        Migration, Law and Policy 2   [ Room: R143 ]

3G        Migrant and Refugee Integration in Mexico 1  [ Room: Xavier Schiffler (Level 2) ]

3H        Identities and Migration 1 [ Room: Fernando Bustos (Level 2) ]

17:45 – 19:15

Roundtable 1: “Gender and Migration in the American Continent”   [Room: Auditorio Ignacio Ellacuría, Building S, basement]


4 July 2024, Thursday

09:00 – 10:30

Plenary Session 1: “Migration and Data Science”  [Room: Auditorio Ignacio Ellacuría, Building S, basement]

10:45 – 12:15

4A    Expulsiones expeditas en la frontera: una expresión contemporánea del régimen global de control migratorio [Español]  [ Room: R134 ]

4B    African Migration and Migration in Africa – 1  [ Room: R136 ]

4C    Identities and Migration 2  [ Room: R138 ]

4D        Latin American Diasporas/ Diásporas latinoamericanas [Español]  [ Room: R140 ]

4E    Families and motherhoods in migratory contexts/ Familias y maternidades en contextos migratorios [Español]  [ Room: R142 ]

4F     Gender and Migration 1  [ Room: R143 ]

4G        Migraciones, Globalización y Transnacionalismo 2 [Español]  [ Room: Xavier Schiffler (Level 2) ]

4H        Economics, Work and Migration 1 [ Room: Fernando Bustos (Level 2) ]

4I     Migration, Space and Place 2 [ Room: Angel Palerm (Level 2) ]

4J     Integration 3 [ Room: Aula San Ignacio de Loyola (1st Floor) ]

12:45 – 14:00

Roundtable 2: “Labor integration of Migrant Workers” Sponsored by IOM  [Room: Auditorio Ignacio Ellacuría, Building S, basement]


4 July 2024, Thursday 14:15 – 15:45

5A    Irregular Mexican Migration Patterns in the US/ Patrones de Migración mexicana irregular en EUA [Español]  [ Room: R134 ]

5B    African Migration and Migration in Africa 2  [ Room: R136 ]

5C    Integration 4  [ Room: R138 ]

5D        Migration, Law and Policy 3  [ Room: R140 ]

5E    Wellbeing and Migration 2  [ Room: R142 ]

5F     Mesa de Trabajo: ¿Migrar es la Opción para luchar e ir tras una Mejor Vida en Familia? [Español]  [ Room: R143 ]

5G        Book Launch – Presentación de libro [ Room: Xavier Schiffler (Level 2) ]

5H        Gender and Migration 2  [ Room: Fernando Bustos (Level 2) ]

5I     Migration Theory, Data and Methods 2  [Español]  [ Room: Angel Palerm (Level 2) ]

5J     Education and Skilled Migration 1  [ Room: Aula San Ignacio de Loyola (1st Floor) ]

16:00 – 18:00

Roundtable 3: “Migration Policy in Mexico and the USA” [Room: Auditorio Ignacio Ellacuría, Building S, basement]


4 July 2024, Thursday 19:30 – 21:30



5 July 2024, Friday

09:30 – 11:30

Plenary Session 2: “Migration and Climate Change” – Sponsored by the Center for Sustainable Development, CENTRUS at Universidad Iberoamericana  [Room: Auditorio Ignacio Ellacuría, Building S, basement]

11:45 – 13:15

6A    Efectos de la migración internacional México-Estados Unidos en la vida de los mexicanos: replanteando la movilidad social desde lo transnacional [Español]  [ Room: R134 ]

6B    Transit and refuge experience in Latin America/Experiencias de tránsito y refugio en América Latina [Español]  [ Room: R136 ]

6C    Migration, Law and Policy 4  [ Room: R138 ]

6D        Wellbeing and Migration 3  [ Room: R140 ]

6E    Youth and Children on the Move 1  [ Room: R142 ]

6F     Migration, Space and Place 3  [ Room: R143 ]

6G        Migraciones, Globalización y Transnacionalismo 3  [ Room: Xavier Schiffler (Level 2) ]

6H        Education and Skilled Migration 2 [ Room: Fernando Bustos (Level 2) ]

6I     Digital Transformation – Digitalización [Español]  [ Room: Angel Palerm (Level 2) ]


5 July 2024, Friday 14:15 – 15:45

7A    Gender and Migration 3  [ Room: R134 ]

7B    Diversidad y Migración [Español]  [ Room: R136 ]

7C    Migration policies and practices in the new century/ Prácticas y políticas migratorias en el nuevo siglo [Español]  [ Room: R138 ]

7D        Liderazgos migrantes en América Latina [Español] [ Room: R140 ]

7E    Mexico as a destination: Social and Political Dynamics/ Mexico como destino: dinámicas sociales y políticas [Español]    [ Room: 142 ]

7F     Migraciones, Globalización y Transnacionalismo 4 [Español]  [ Room: 143]

7G        Migration Theory, Data and Methods 1   [ Room: Xavier Schiffler (Level 2)]

7H        Education and Skilled Migration 3 [ Room: Fernando Bustos (Level 2) ]

16:00 – 18:00

Roundtable 4: “Migration and Social Mobility in sending and receiving destinations” – Sponsored by Centro de Estudios Espinosa Yglesias.[Room: Auditorio Ignacio Ellacuría, Building S, basement]


VIRTUAL SESSIONS – 8-9 July 2024

8 July 2024, Monday 08:00 – 09:30

8B    V – Arts, Media and Migration

8C    V – Economics, Work and Migration 1

8D        V – Gender and Migration 1

8E    V – Migration Epistemology 1

8F     V – Economics, Work and Migration 3


8 July 2024, Monday 10:00 – 11:30

9A    V – Wellbeing and Migration 1

9B    V – Education and Skilled Migration 1

9C    V – Economics, Work and Migration 2

9D        V – Migration, Law and Policy 1

9E    V – Migration and Integration

9F     V – Migración y Diversidad  [Español]


8 July 2024, Monday 12:00 – 13:30

10A      V – Wellbeing and Migration 2

10B      V – Migratory Crisis in Latin America: Signs of the Times 2 [Español]

10C      V – Movilidad: migración en tiempos de pandemia en América Latina y el Caribe [Español]

10D      V – Migration, Law and Policy 2

10E       V – European Migration Space


8 July 2024, Monday 14:00 – 15:30

11A      V – Migration Theory, Data and Methods 2

11B      V – La ética de la migración y las ciencias sociales [Español]

11C      V – Identities and Migration 1

11D      V – Migration, Law and Policy 3

11E       V – Migrant and Refugee Integration in Mexico 2


9 July 2024, Tuesday 08:00 – 09:30

12A      V – Migration Theory, Data and Methods 3

12B      V – Identities and Migration 2

12C      V – Migration and Integration 1

12D      V – Migration, Law and Policy 4

12E       V – Insecurities and Migration

12F       V – Migration Epistemology 2

12G      V – Gender and Migration 2

12H    V – Crimean Tatar Diaspora and Tatar Forced Migrants after Russia’s Attack on Ukraine (2014-2023)


9 July 2024, Tuesday 10:00 – 11:30

13A      V – Art, Activism and Responsible Social Research on Human Mobility in the North American Context 1

13B      V – Remittances and Development

13C      V – Wellbeing and Migration 3

13D      V – Migration and Integration 2

13E       V – Education and Skilled Migration 2

13F       V – Migration, Law and Policy 5

13G      Virtual – Invited Panel: Digital Transformation

13H      V – New Challenges and Migration


[All Mexican Times – GMT/UTC: -06:00]

2 July 2024, Tuesday

17:00 – 19:00 – EARLY REGISTRATION (Department of Economics, Building I, Ground Floor)

3 July 2024, Wednesday

08:30 – 16:00 – REGISTRATION (Outside Auditorio Sánchez Villaseñor, Building N)


3 July 2024, Wednesday – 09:30 – 11:30

Opening Plenary Session [Auditorio Sánchez Villaseñor, Building N]

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  • Welcoming Speeches

Chair: Karla Valenzuela-Moreno, Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico.

Keynote Speaker:

  • María Dolores París Pombo, COLEF-Tijuana, Mexico:

“Im-mobilities and Human Rights in the Americas”


  • Hermana Magda Silva, CAFEMIN and Emilio Álvarez-Icaza (Senado de la Republica)


3 July 2024, Wednesday – 11:45 – 13:15

1A     Procesos de movilidad y migración internacional en el Estado de México [Español]        [ Room: R134 ]

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Moderator: Ana Elizabeth Jardòn Hernández, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México

2032 Movilidades laborales internas y reconfiguraciones territoriales en comunidades rurales de tres municipios del Estado de México

Itzel Hernández Lara

2033 Etnografía de los afectos. Una propuesta para explicar la movilidad humana

Lucía Cristina Ortiz Domínguez

2034 Agencia y aspiraciones: recursos para la integración sociolaboral de población refugiada

Ana Elizabeth Jardòn Hernández


1B     Ayer y hoy: un recorrido por la historia de las relaciones migratorias en la Frontera México-EE.UU – 1     [Español]         [ Room: R136 ]

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Moderator:  Catherine Vézina, División de Historia-CIDE, Mexico

2010 El jaloneo fronterizo de enero-febrero del 1954: propuesta de interpretación transnacional de la estrategia mexicana de contención de la emigración

Catherine Vézina

2011 Migración interna e internacional: rutas de desplazamiento e impacto regional en el noroeste de México

Irina Córdoba Ramírez

2012 Memoria colectiva y marcos de interpretación de El Programa Bracero

Abraham Trejo Terreros

2013 Cooperation and Discord in Migration Management: Examining Formal and Informal Collaboration Between USA and Mexican Border Cities

Elena Sánchez-Montijano, Narayani Lasala-Blanco


1C     Integration 1      [ Room: R138 ]

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Moderator:  Jeffrey Cohen, Ohio State University, USA

22        The role of return visits in the cultivation of diaspora subjectivity amongst Hungarian and Venezuelan migrants in London

Judit Molnar

202     Role of cultural mediators in working with refugees

Aleidis Devillé, Jasmien Sirfouq

206     Cooking in Columbus, Los Angeles, and Oaxaca City: Oaxacan Chefs in a Transnational, Comparative Angle

Andrew Mitchel


1D     Environment and Migration 1   [ Room: R140 ]

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Moderator: Bernardo Bolaños Guerra, Metropolitan Autonomous University, Mexico

166     Migration and Resilience in a Changing Climate: How migration supports household resilience in climate vulnerable areas in India

Shahana Chattaraj, Varun Aggarwal, Nidhi Menon, Deepti Raj Vivek Venkataramani

252     Labour Market and Migration Consequences of a Natural Disaster: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Nepal

Esther M. Bartl

387     Drought and Migration in Central and Equatorial America

Bernardo Bolaños Guerra


1E     Labor market integration of Migrants /Integración de los migrantes al Mercado laboral         [Español]         [ Room: R142 ]

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Moderator:  Pablo Álvarez Icaza, Independent Scholar

94 Procesos de discriminación laboral hacia población venezolana en Bogotá, Colombia: discusiones sobre la agencia de la población en movilidad humana en contextos de crisis

Areli López Flores

123     Relación entre la calidad del empleo y las variables institucionales: Mexicanos en Estados Unidos

Rocio Arredondo, Pedro Orraca

364     Sustitución Imperfecta en el mercado laboral estadounidense: trabajadores nativos e inmigrantes mexicanos, 2000-2020. Marco Antonio Jiménez Ruiz



1F      Teoría y conceptualización  [Español]   [ Room: R143 ]

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Moderator:  Ana Vila-Freyer, Universidad Latina de México

145     Bio- y necropolítica en Europa del siglo XXI: maquinarias de vulnerabilización del cuerpo migrante

Andrés Otálvaro

326     Cohesión Social, Bienestar y Transnacionalismo en Comunidades migrantes en el sur de Guanajuato, México

Ana Vila-Freyer

331     Factores asociados a la migración neta cero entre México y Estados Unidos, 2005-2015

David Alejandro Calvillo Preciado, Jaime Lara Lara, Arnoldo Martínez Elizondo, Eliseo Samuel Pequeño Morán; Victor Manuel Velarde Villasana

357     Experiences in The Work and Health Conditions of The Migrant Agricultural Workers of Río Florido, Fresnillo, Zacatecas

Christopher Cervantes Yáñez, Dellanira Ruiz de Chávez Ramírez, Pascual G. García Zamora, Cristina Almeida Perales; Ana María Monreal Ávila


1G     The long-term implications of migration in the intersection of gender, ethnicity, class, and space: Global South Perspective on Israel/Palestine           [ Room: Xavier Schiffler (Level 2) ]

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Moderator:  Reut Reina Bendrihem, Open University & Sapir College, Israel

2007 Resistance from the Margins: Intersection of Gender, Class, and Ethnicity

            Helly Buzhish-Sasson

2008 The immigration long effects on third generation women in development town in Southern Israel

            Sigal Nagar-Ron

2009 “The New Migration” – Practices of selection in the urban space

            Reut Reina Bendrihem


1H     La aplicación de Enfoques de Derechos Humanos e Interseccionalidad en la atención a las personas migrantes; avances y desafíos en México a partir de la pandemia por COVID-19        [Español]         [ Room: Fernando Bustos (Level 2) ]

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Moderator:  Valeria Marina Valle, Universidad Iberoamericana, México

2039 Acceso a la Salud Sexual y Reproductiva de Mujeres Migrantes en el Istmo de Tehuantepec: Un Enfoque desde los Derechos Humanos con Perspectiva de Género

Valeria Marina Valle

2040 Análisis en torno a las necesidades y las formas de atención a la salud sexual y reproductiva de personas migrantes en México

Samantha Mino Gracia

2041 Derecho a la salud mental y reproductiva. Desafíos en la atención excepcional a mujeres migrantes detenidas en México

Ariadna Salazar Quiñónez

2042 Los mecanismos de atención y protección a migrantes LGBTQ+ ¿por qué son importantes los enfoques interseccionalidad y diversidades?

Sergio Vázquez Meneley

3 July 2024, Wednesday

14:15 – 15:45

2A     Exploring Practitioner Perspectives: Enhancing Policy, Data, and Humanitarian Approaches in Addressing Asylum Issues [Español]     [ Room: R134 ]

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Moderator:  Chris Baca, MPA, The Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights, USA

  • CHIRLA’s Transcontinental Advocacy: Navigating International Migration and Asylum Systems in the Americas

Andrew Bahena, Josue Castaneda, Jose Miguel Cruz Hernandez, Mireille Del Valle Cabrales

  • CHIRLA’s Asylum Seeker Support Model: Enhancing Reception, Case Management, and Advocacy

Chris Baca

  • Impact of Restrictive Immigration Policies on the Mexico-United States Border: A CHIRLA Perspective

Esmeralda Flores, Erin Lopez


2B     Ayer y hoy: un recorrido por la historia de las relaciones migratorias en la Frontera México-EE.UU – 2     [Español]         [ Room: R136 ]

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Moderator: Elena Sánchez-Montijano, División de Estudios Internacionales, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE), México

2014 From preventive to coercive?: the changing use of development in Mexico to control migration

Nuty Cardenas

2015 Contested vulnerabilities in the protection system Mexico-USA: African and Haitian migrants in Mexico

Ester Serra Mingot

2016 What have we learned from the Mexican experience in how to study migration?

N Jorge A. Schiavon

2017 El cierre de fronteras en la Pandemia: ¿qué le pasó a México?

Gerardo Maldonado, Elena Sánchez-Montijano


2C     Migration, Space and Place 1     [ Room: R138 ]

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Moderator:  Nonna Kushnirovich, Ruppin Academic Center, Israel

1813 Token Acts of Online Support of Prosocial Content and Behavioral Intentions toward Immigrants and Asylum Seekers

Nonna Kushnirovich, Sabina Lissitsa

70        Fleeing the Chains of Oppression: Qualitative Study on Black American Transnational Migrants Sheds Light on the Negative Impact of Systemic Racism in the United States

Keeley P. Mitchell

256 Sensory Experiences and the Production of Familiarity among South American Migrants in Madrid: Rethinking Public and Private Spheres Alejandro Miranda Nieto

370     The negation of choice: Housing, employment and childcare challenges for women asylum seekers in NYC

Marciana Popescu, Dana Alonzo, Grace Laria


2D     Migratory Crisis in Latin America: Signs of the Times 1 [Español]          [ Room: R140 ]

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Moderator:  Jutta Battenberg, Iberoamericana University, Mexico

2063 Trayectos indignos. La cara de una fraternidad rota

Luz Elena Arozqueta Villeda

2064 Migración en el Magisterio Pontificio. Perspectivas Generales desde Juan XXIII hasta Juan Pablo II

Luis Donaldo González Pacheco

2065 Los migrantes en las conferencias generales del episcopado latinoamericano

Jorge Fernando Heredia Zubieta

347     Experiencia de Fe en personas en tránsito migratorio

Silvia Correa Avila


2E     New realities of Migration in Latin America/ Nuevas realidades migratorias en América Latina [Español] [ Room: R142 ]

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Moderator:  Kelly Muñoz Balcázar, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Xochimilco, Mexico

15        Migración Venezolana en América Latina hacia Norteamérica, Causas, plan de mejoras políticas para un ordenamiento y respeto a los Derechos Humanos

Francisco José D´Angelo Ohep

2045 Geografías del terror, geopolítica y desplazamiento forzado en México. La violencia y la inseguridad como dispositivos para el despojo y la desterritorialización

Kelly Giovanna Muñoz Balcázar

352     New Migration Waves from Latin America

Nivia Marina Brismat Delgado, Elaine Acosta González


2F      Migration, Law and Policy 1       [ Room: R143 ]

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Moderator:  Ülkü Sezgi Sözen, Universität Hamburg, Germany

4          What Role for the UN Convention against Enforced Disappearance in Times of Deterrence against Migrants?

Carmelo Danisi

37        Pending Precarity: No right to stay for medical reasons within the European Union

Benedita Menezes Queiroz

74        Coping Strategies of Internally Displaced People (IDPs) in Abuja, Nigeria

Zubaida Umar Baba, Lindsay Stringer, Claire Quinn

99        Policies for Belonging: A typology of global refugee resettlement programs

Grace Benson


2G     Migraciones, Globalización y Transnacionalismo 1          [Español]          [ Room: Xavier Schiffler (Level 2) ]

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Moderator:  Pascual G. García-Macías, UTPL, Ecuador

185     The Silver Economy in Mazatlán, Sinaloa: A Critical Inquiry into Retiree Migration

Pascual G. García-Macías, Fiorella Abigail Camacho Conde

282     Redes de vida en la migración centroamericana de tránsito por México. Estudio de caso en Zacatecas

Pascual Gerardo García Zamora, Juan Lamberto Herrera Martínez, Dellanira Ruiz de Chávez Ramírez, Nubia Maricela Chávez Lamas

322     La Sempiterna crisis en el subcontinente y la migración de transito de venezolanos por Ecuador

Pascual G. García-Macías, Alvaro Mendez Paute

345     Migración de Tránsito por la ciudad de Culiacán, Sinaloa

Pablo Cañar


2H     Remittances, households and social development in Mexico/ Remesas, hogares y desarrollo social en México            [ Room: Fernando Bustos (Level 2) ]

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Moderator:  Agustín Escobar, CIESAS

1872 Why have remittances from the US to Mexico increased? The role of US-born children of Mexican return and deported migrants

Pedro Paulo Orraca Romano

187     Las remesas colectivas de los migrantes mexicanos y el desarrollo local bajo un nuevo programa de coinversión social con el gobierno federal en México: 2024-2030

Karina Raquel Zuñiga Delgado, Rodolfo García Zamora

285    ¿Los ingresos por remesas son realmente remesas familiares? Estudio de los determinantes de remesas en México a nivel municipal, 2015-2020

Rodrigo Carrillo

368     Patrones en la composición demográfica y socioeconómica de los hogares receptores de remesas en México

Juan José Li Ng


3 July 2024, Wednesday

16:00 – 17:30

3A     Derechos Humanos, legislación y desafíos en el contexto migratorio actual de México: una perspectiva desde la Cámara de Diputados [Español]  [ Room: R134 ]

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Moderator: Yasmín Martínez Carreón, Centro de Estudios Sociales y de Opinión Pública H. Cámara de Diputados, México

2035 Evaluación del marco convencional de movilidad humana en México: el reto de proteger los derechos humanos de todos los migrantes.

Yasmín Martínez Carreón

2036 Cambio climático y migración: El desplazamiento climático en México y el corredor seco mesoamericano ¿Hacia dónde vamos?

Alya Ramos Ramos Elorduy

2037 Análisis comparativo de legislaciones sobre movilidad humana en América Latina: desafíos, tendencias y estrategias para fortalecer la coherencia normativa y el enfoque de derechos humanos

Adela Beatriz Santos Domínguez

2038 Facilitando la protección de los Derechos Humanos: estrategias legislativas para la movilidad humana en México

Josué Antonio Hernández Osorio


3B     Arts, Media and Migration                    [ Room: R136 ]

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Moderator: Karla Valenzuela-Moreno, Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico

356     Representation of Latin American migrant women in contemporary novel and movies

Carlos Arturo Capellino Fuentes

211     Automated Inequality: From Spaces of Surveillance to Images and Voices of Resistance in German Culture

Sarah Koellner 

205     Thinking through the violence of borders with art and aesthetics to highlight temporal ruptures and continuities

Caroline Breeden


3C     Integration 2      [ Room: R138 ]

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Moderator:  Paulette K. Schuster, Reichman University, Israel

21        The place of non-citizens in the diaspora project – perspectives from a study on Hungarian and Venezuelan migrants in London

Judit Molnar

146     The Role of Local Inclusive Policies and Practices in the Integration of Transnational Migrant Communities – Experiences of Migrants of Syrian Origin in Istanbul and Berlin

Papatya Bostanci

343     The civic costs of migration

Inta Mierina, Ilze Koroleva, Aleksandrs Aleksandrovs



3D     Migration Pathways in Europe [ Room: R140 ]

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Moderator:  Ülkü Sezgi Sözen, Universität Hamburg, Germany

2026 Integration Strategies in EU Member States. The Case of Italy and Germany

Hilde Caroli Casavola

323    Settlement patterns of Ukrainian refugees across subnational areas in Europe

Miguel González-Leonardo, Ruth Neville, Sofía Gil-Clavel, Francisco Rowe

2027 Digital Integration Tools in Italy and Germany

Ülkü Sezgi Sözen


3E     Wellbeing and Migration 1        [ Room: R142 ]

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Moderator:  Alicia Rusoja, University of California, Davis, USA

1847 The Doctor May See You Now: Attitudes of Healthcare Workers toward Refugee & Migrant Populations in Turkey

Burcu Pinar Alakoc, Alan Zarychta, Emel Ozdora

69        “Choques” in the Participatory Action Research with/by Latine Immigrants on COVID-19

Alicia Rusoja, Yared Portillo, Olivia Vazquez Ponce, Maria Hernandez

234 Pre-migratory traumatic experiences among asylum-seeking men and women: findings from a recent international sample at the US-Mexico border

Alfonso Mercado, Amanda Venta, Andy Torres, Amanda Palomin, Frances Morales, Ashley Bautista, Cecilia Colunga-Rodriguez Luz Garcini, Sita Patel

342     Survival organizing with migrant farmworkers in Canada during COVID: Community organizers and their invisible carework

Evelyn Encalada Grez, Regina Baeza Martinez


3 F     Migration, Law and Policy 2       [ Room: R143 ]

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Moderator:  Lori Anne Wilkinson, University of Manitoba, Canada

46       Border externalization and the implications on Human Rights

Julia Asiain

65        Discrimination legislated: Canada’s inequitable response to the worldwide refugee crisis

Lori Anne Wilkinson

106     Migration policy under Lopez Obrador´s administration: policy challenges for current and future migration trends

Alexandra Aguilar Bellamy

204     North Africa and the EU: a renewed dialogue for a regional/continental migration interest

Vanni Nicolì


3G     Migrant and Refugee Integration in Mexico 1           [ Room: Xavier Schiffler (Level 2) ]

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Moderator: Nuty Cárdenas-Alaminos, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, Mexico

178     Barriers to migrant integration policy in Mexico: explaining why

Elena Sánchez-Montijano

1781 Refugees in Tijuana: A case-study on the changing Landscape on asylum and migration in Mexico

Carlos Ibarra, Rodolfo Cruz-Piñeiro

1782 Facing the new challenges of migration through the promotion of local actions in western and northern states of Mexico

Iliana Martínez


3H     Identities and Migration 1         [ Room: Fernando Bustos (Level 2) ]

Join via Zoom:

Moderator:  Pascual G. García-Macías, UTPL, Ecuador

244     ¿La esperanza un recurso o una condena?: emociones del vivir transnacional

María José Grisel Enríquez Cabral, Ismael García Castro

278     Migración y precariedad en el caso de personas con identidades de género y sexualidades disidentes. Reflexiones desde un proyecto colaborativo en Bogotá, Colombia

Diana P. Garcés-Amaya, Carol Pavajeau Delgado, Sarah Ashford Hart

388     El testimonio queer migrante escrito en centros de detención de Arizona: La criminalización a partir de la disidencia sexual

Jesús Galán Díaz


3 July 2024, Wednesday – 17:45 – 19:15

Roundtable 1: “Gender and Migration in the American Continent”  [Room: Auditorio Ignacio Ellacuría, Building S, basement]

Join via Zoom

Chair: Margarita Núñez, Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico

Invited Speakers:

  • Gretchen Kuhner, Instituto para las Mujeres en la Migración, Mexico
  • Estela Rivero, University of Notre Dame
  • Cecilia Menjívar, University of California, Los Angeles, USA


4 July 2024, Thursday – 09:00 – 10:30

Plenary Session 1: “Migration and Data Science”          [Room: Auditorio Ignacio Ellacuría, Building S, basement]

Join via Zoom

Chair: Alejandro Anaya, Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico

Keynote Speakers:

Ingmar Weber, Saarland University, Germany

Eva Dziadula, University of Notre Dame, USA

Discussant: Alfredo Cuecuecha, Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla, Mexico

4 July 2024, Thursday – 10:45 – 12:15

4A     Expulsiones expeditas en la frontera: una expresión contemporánea del régimen global de control migratorio [Español]         [ Room: R134 ]

Join via Zoom:

Moderator:  Valentina Cappelletti, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú – PUCP

José Francisco Valenzuela, El Colegio de México – COLMEX, Mexico

2002 Normalizando la excepcionalidad en el régimen global fronterizo. El caso del Título 42 en la frontera México-Estados Unido

Ángel Iglesias Ortiz, José Francisco Valenzuela Barreras, Valentina Cappelletti

1999 Contrastes de lo expedito: implicaciones sociales y culturales en la instrumentalización selectiva de la política migratoria en la frontera México-Estados Unidos

Juan Antonio Del Monte Madrigal

2000 La anatomía del proceso de expulsión expedita bajo el Título 42 en la frontera México-Estados Unidos: experiencias, espacialidades y temporalidades

Valentina Cappelletti, Angel Iglesias Ortiz, José Francisco Valenzuela Barreras


4B     African Migration and Migration in Africa – 1     [ Room: R136 ]

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Moderator:  Sunday Keji, Federal University Oye-Ekiti

188     Afro-Caribbean Migratory Affective (Dis)continuities. Stories of Dominican and Haitian Migration Across the Americas in La Vuelta por México

Pedro Valdez-Castro

152     Drawing past displacement: from cognitive maps to durable solutions

Daniel Missell

1779 Human Capital Skills and Industrial Output Growth in sub-Saharan Africa. An implication for Human Capital Migration: A dynamic system GMM approach.: An investigation into the interactive effects of migration and human capital skills development on industry Sunday Keji

377     Humanizing the Numbers: The Movement of African Migrants through Mexico’s Border en route to the USA

Olamma Agwu Kalu, María de Lourdes Rosas López  


4C     Identities and Migration 2         [ Room: R138 ]

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Moderator:  Ayca Arkilic, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

5          Embracing Islam in New Zealand: Conversion, Identity and Belonging

Ayca Arkilic

86       The Irish Woman’s Journey to the United States 1845-1921

Erin Gable

268     Reconstruction of Social Identity in Türkiye Within the Framework of Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric: The Example of Victory Party

Damla Mursül

1799 The Other is Always Angry

Jay Albaos

4D     Latin American Diasporas/ Diásporas latinoamericanas [Español]          [ Room: R140 ]

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Moderator: Pascual G. García-Macías, UTPL, Ecuador

3          Migración Venezolana en México y Estados Unidos

Francisco José D´Angelo Ohep

269     La Educación Multicultural en Polonia: Perspectiva de Estudiantes de América Latina

Zofia Grocka, Bartosz Błażkiewicz

2044 Experiencias de artivismos comunitarios y femeninos durante la gentrificación de un vecindario migrante en Chicago

Nallely Torres-Ayala

4E     Families and motherhoods in migratory contexts/ Familias y maternidades en contextos migratorios       [Español]         [ Room: R142 ]

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Moderator:  Alejandra Villegas, Iberoamericana, Mexico

366     Desterritorialización de la maternidad en México: el papel de las políticas y la gobernanza migratoria

Gabriela Irina Pinillos Quintero, Lucía Cristina Ortiz Domínguez

378     México corredor frontera, cuidados y familias en resistencia

Patricia Itzel Díaz

2043 Resiliencia y ejercicio de ciudadanía en familias migrantes de origen mexicano en Illinois

Diana Tamara Martínez-Ruíz, Nallely Torres-Ayala

4F      Gender and Migration 1            [ Room: R143 ]

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Moderator:  Ibrahim Sirkeci, International Business School, UK

1855 Escaping homophobia and transphobia in Iran: Legal experiences of seeking protection in Turkey, the UK and Canada

Nuno Ferreira

1857 Queering judgments: Re-writing the X, Y and Z judgment of the Court of Justice of the EU

Nuno Ferreira, Carmelo Danisi

1863 Do queer Iranian women need saving? Feminist theory and praxis*

Moira Dustin

1873 Exploring Queer Identities: Comparative Analysis of Poetic Narratives from Iranian Refugees in Turkey, the UK, and Canada

Nilofar Shidmehr


4G     Migraciones, Globalización y Transnacionalismo 2 [Español]          [ Room: Xavier Schiffler (Level 2) ]

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Moderator: José Salvador Cueto Calderón, Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, Mexico

290     Exclusión, violencia y re emigración de familias migrantes de retorno en Sinaloa

Nayeli Burgueño Angulo

306     Resiliencia sociocultural de la familia mexicana migrante transnacional: desarrollo de estrategias ante contextos de adversidad en los Estados Unidos.

José Salvador Cueto Calderón

389     Migración contemporánea: Estado del arte de las políticas públicas de migración aplicadas en México

Olga Maria Ruiz Ballinas, Yuliet Bedoya Rangel


4H     Economics, Work and Migration 1        [ Room: Fernando Bustos (Level 2) ]

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Moderator:  Daniel Malpica, Sonoma State University, USA

1837 They Just Come to Take Our Jobs: Day Laborers Working in the Streets of California Cities

Daniel Malpica

274     The impact of immigrants’ skills on firms’ productivity in Chile

Alessandra Anna Palazzo, Carlos Madeira

1839 Cross-strait mobility of semiconductor human resources in East Asia

Yumiko Nakahara

374     Brain-Waste Among Highly-Skilled Mexpatriates: Experiences Of [Under]Employment Among Tertiary- Educated Mexicans In The United States

Zazil-Ha Baruch


4I      Migration, Space and Place 2    [ Room: Angel Palerm (Level 2) ]

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Moderator:  Caroline Breeden, University of Cambridge, UK

360     They survived the Darien Gap, will they survive in NYC? The relevance of informal support networks for women asylum seekers from Central and South America

Grace Laria, Luisa Fernanda Sandoval Cortes, Marciana Popescu, Dana Alonzo

116     Circumventing Protections: The Origin Story of Border Externalization in the United States

Reagan Hillary Orloff

203     Mutable proximities: histories and spaces of control and containment in the legitimisation of state violence at sea

Caroline Breeden

2018 Land in the Time of Migration: The Unintended Consequences of Land Reform in the Northern Triangle

Taft Crowley


4J      Integration 3     [ Room: Aula San Ignacio de Loyola (1st Floor) ]

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Moderator:  Diana Piloyan, Iberoamericana University, Mexico

48        Basic Psychological Factors for Social Criteria for Immigrant Acceptance in Russia

Elizaveta Komyaginskaya, Dmitry Grigoryev, Albina Gallyamova,

372     Unveiling Illusory States: Exploring Societal Issues Behind Facades of Functionality

Hansel Alejandro Aguilar Avila

139     Implications of Integroup Ideologies for Social Criteria for Immigrant Acceptance in Russia

Dmirtry Grigoryev, Albina Gallyamova

349     On mediating differences: an emergent identity of sameness in a South African migrant community

Odette Murara


4 July 2024, Thursday – 12:45 – 14:00

Roundtable 2: “Labor integration of Migrant Workers” Sponsored by IOM          [Room: Auditorio Ignacio Ellacuría, Building S, basement]

Join via Zoom

Chair: Laura Canche (International Organisation for Migration)

Invited Speakers:

Fabio Jimenez (IOM)

Pedro Paulo Orraca (COLEF)

Pedro Casasalatriste (Amcham)


4 July 2024, Thursday – 14:15 – 15:45

5A     Irregular Mexican Migration Patterns in the US/ Patrones de Migración mexicana irregular en EUA     [Español]         [ Room: R134 ]

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Moderator:  Samantha Mino, Iberoamericana, Mexico

276     La paradoja de la salud “indocumentada”. Sistema de salud transnacional de comunidades migrantes originarias de Cosalá, Sinaloa, México, asentadas en el sur de California

Ismael García Castro, Alicia Medina Herrera, María José Grisel Enríquez Cabral

286     Los límites de la “ilegalidad”. La mano de obra migrante en California

Isaac Moisés García Puertos

351     El uso y pago de intermediarios en el cruce hacia Estados Unidos por parte de los flujos migratorios poblanos, 1999-2023

Rocío del Carmen Osorno Velázquez, Juan Bermúdez Lobera


5B     African Migration and Migration in Africa 2      [ Room: R136 ]

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Moderator:  Olgu Karan, Baskent University, Turkey

19        Globalization And Digital Media Technology Influence on Migratory Decisions

Glory Okereke

72        Post-Covid Mobility: West African Migration Crisis and the Place of AU and ECOWAS

Sunday Israel Oyebamiji, Jimoh Musa Yusuf

80        Migration Drivers of Sub-Saharan Africans in Morocco: Is Mixed Migration Voluntary?

Stacey Wilson-Forsberg, Abderrahman Beggar

2019 Opportunities and Constraints for African Small Business Ownership in Ankara, Turkey

Olgu Karan


5C     Integration 4      [ Room: R138 ]

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Moderator:  Gizem Karaköse, Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika, Poland

1803 Joining the Russian Community: Understanding the Components of National Identity and Social Criteria for Immigrant Acceptance in Russia

Albina Gallyamova, Dmitry Grigoryev

1825 Unveiling Perceptions: Exploring Immigrant Stereotypes in Istanbul, Turkiye

Gizem Karaköse

1845 Integrating Venezuelan Migrants in Peru: The Role of Civil Society Organisations

Agnieszka Olter-Castillo

1884 Venezuelan Migration Dynamics: Coping Strategies and Integration Challenges

Agnieszka Olter-Castillo, Marcin Stonawski, Jan Brzozowski, Silvana Gomez; Katarzyna Górska; Karolina Sobczak-Szelc


5D     Migration, Law and Policy 3       [ Room: R140 ]

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Moderator:  Ülkü Sezgi Sözen, Universität Hamburg, Germany

11        Land of the Free? The Formidable Fiscal Barriers Americans Face When They Try to Live Outside the United States

Laura Snyder, John Richardson

14        Assailing Asylum: Affirmative and Defensive Asylum Grant Rates in the United States, 1980-2023

Vicente Celestino Mata, Bryan L. Sykes

38        Beyond Boundaries: Examining the Impact of Texas SB4 and Border Militarization on Human Rights and Transborder Relations

William F. Arrocha

232     Migration crisis and legal protection of refugees and asylum seekers on the example of the Republic of Italy

Agnieszka Gloria Kamińska


5E     Wellbeing and Migration 2        [ Room: R142 ]

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Moderator:  Alicia Rusoja, University of California, Davis, USA

344     Implications of migration on the general subjective well-being of individuals: a longitudinal perspective

Ilze Koroleva, Inta Mierina, Aleksandrs Aleksandrovs

54        The perceived benefits of frequenting a community organization promoting academic perseverance on the positive development of adolescents from immigrant and disadvantaged backgrounds

Sofiane Kankeu, Kristel Tardif-Grenier, Christine Gervais, Mélissa Goulet

59        Improving the Delivery of Healthcare for Spanish Speaking Immigrants from Mexico, Central America, and South America Benjamin Hirsch Levy III

381     Migration to Tijuana During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Nancy Rios-Contreras

2046 The Wider Impact on Communities in Formal and Informal Settlements: on the U.S.-Mexico border

Andrea Carolina Batarse


5F      Mesa de Trabajo: ¿Migrar es la Opción para luchar e ir tras una Mejor Vida en Familia?     [Español]         [ Room: R143 ]

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Moderator:  Angélica Ojeda García, Universidad Iberoamericana, México

192     ¿Migrar es la Opción para luchar e ir tras una Mejor Vida en Familia? María Elena Rivera Heredia, Guillermo Yrizar Barbosa, Angélica Ojeda García; Gabriela A. González Ruiz; Elena Ayala Galí, Iris Rubí Monroy Velasco; Rosalinda Guadarrama Guadarrama


5G     Book Launch – Presentación de libro          [ Room: Xavier Schiffler (Level 2) ]

Join via Zoom

Moderator:  Jeffrey H. Cohen, Ohio State University, USA

“México ¿un país de refugiados? Desplazamiento, Inserción e Integración”

Rodolfo Cruz, Carlos Samuel Ibarra and Dolores Paris

“Las migraciones de México y Centroamérica y el reto de las políticas públicas y la cooperación internacional en el siglo XXI.”

Rodolfo García Zamora y Selene Gaspar Olvera

“Crisis y Migración – Experiencias y desafíos en el Sur Global – Vol. II”

Carlos Alberto González Zepeda, Jessica A. Ordóñez Cuenca, José Salvador Cueto-Calderón, Pascual G. García-Macías


5H     Gender and Migration 2            [ Room: Fernando Bustos (Level 2) ]

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Moderator: Carla Pederzini, Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico

336     Violence towards Lesbian, Bisexual, and Queer (LBQ) Migrants Women from Venezuela in Quito, Ecuador during 2023, from the “My Home Away from Home” experience of Diálogo Diverso

Adriana Sofía Brito, Alvear Olmedo María Gabriela Alvear, Carrión Torres Paula Yessenia, Pazos Argoti Karen Elizabeth, Yerovi Proaño Sebastián

60        Perceptions of sustainable careers among female refugees in relation to demographic variables and length of stay in the host country

Rūta Čiutienė, Asta Savanevičienė, Meda Andrijauskiene, Natalija Mažeikienė; Gita Šakytė-Statnickė; Rūta Salickaitė-Žukauskienė

135     Life in rural Spain as an immigrant domestic worker, Diverse testimonies from Teruel

Héctor Goldar Perrote


5I      Migration Theory, Data and Methods 2  [Español]      [ Room: Angel Palerm (Level 2) ]

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Moderator:  Gabriela Pinillos Quintero, Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico

91        Aproximaciones a la fenomenología de la migración: discusiones, apuntes y hallazgos de una fenomenografía de las experiencias migratorias de hombres mexicanos deportados en Tijuana. Renato de Almeida Arão Galhardi

350     Migración de retorno entre adultos mayores en México: Características comparativas y retos para el desarrollo regional Abigail Vanessa Rojas Huerta, Jaime Lara Lara

392     Avances y desafíos en la protección de la niñez migrante en México

Luis Peña Cruz

238     Ambigú Trashumante Barra de Café Ambulante: An applied liberatory social research project in accompaniment of immigrants through the ceremonial process of a pour-over coffee offered freely

Augusto Martín Rodríguez Rivero, Italivi Vargas Cabral, Julián Ulises Pasarán Vargas, Aurora Romero Flores


5J      Education and Skilled Migration 1         [ Room: Aula San Ignacio de Loyola (1st Floor) ]

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Moderator:  Carciumaru Razvan Dacian, University of Oradea, Romania

333     La diáspora calificada: un análisis comparativo de la situación laboral de los mexicanos con educación superior en Estados Unidos

Imanol Álvarez Blanco, Andrea Bautista León

131     Educational Influence on Perceived Importance of EU Integration Policies: Exploring Correlation and Association

Carciumaru Razvan Dacian, Brinzas Rodica

179     Navigating Global Healthcare Mobility: Trends, Challenges, and Ethical Imperatives in Nurse Migration

Mukul Bakhshi, JD



4 July 2024, Thursday – 16:00 – 18:00

Roundtable 3: “Migration Policy in Mexico and the USA”          [Room: Auditorio Ignacio Ellacuría, Building S, basement]

Join via Zoom

Chair: Jorge Schiavon, Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico

Invited Speakers:

Silvia Giorguli, El Colegio de México, Mexico

Agustin Escobar Latapí, CIESAS Occidente, Mexico


4 July 2024, Thursday – 19:30 – 21:30


Venue: Hacienda de los Morales, Vázquez de Mella 525, Col. del Bosque, 11510, CDMX.

Directions: Google Map


5 July 2024, Friday – 09:30 – 11:30

Plenary Session 2: “Migration and Climate Change” – Sponsored by the Center for Sustainable Development, CENTRUS at Universidad Iberoamericana.          [Room: Auditorio Ignacio Ellacuría, Building S, basement]

Join via Zoom

Chair: José Alberto Lara Pulido, CENTRUS, Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico

Keynote Speaker:

Roman Hoffmann, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Austria


Fernando Ríosmena, University of Texas, San Antonio, USA

5 July 2024, Friday – 11:45 – 13:15

6A     Efectos de la migración internacional México-Estados Unidos en la vida de los mexicanos: replanteando la movilidad social desde lo transnacional [Español]          [ Room: R134 ]

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Moderator:  Mónica Jacobo, CONAHCYT-COLMEX, México

2028 Una aproximación a la movilidad social transnacional. El papel de las remesas en el acceso a la educación y a la salud de niñas, niños y adolescentes en México en el periodo 2016-2022

Andrea Bautista León, Daniel Zazueta Borboa, Alma Cossette Guadarrama Muñoz

2029 La migración internacional municipal desde México hacia Estados Unidos, fenómeno presente en el desarrollo municipal. Perspectiva del siglo XXI

Diego Terán

2030 “Aquí soy ciudadano y puedo reclamar”: el retorno como vehículo de movilidad social entre migrantes mexicanos de la generación 1.5

Mónica Jacobo

2031 De la relación movilidad-acceso a derechos y gobiernos locales en México: aproximación desde el retorno

Gabriela Pinillos


6B     Transit and refuge experience in Latin America/Experiencias de tránsito y refugio en América Latina      [Español]         [ Room: R136 ]

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Moderator:  Raúl Gutiérrez, Iberoamericana, Mexico

112     La sobrevivencia de las personas refugiadas en países receptores y la falacia de los componentes de la integración local en los países MIRPS

Juan Gerardo Talavera Cervantes

329     Tendencias y causas del refugio en México. Análisis del impacto de los determinantes del reconocimiento de la condición de refugiado de 2019 a 2023

Aaron Cortes Alvarado

367     Netnografía de la migración centroamericana de tránsito: El impacto de la biopolítica migratoria sobre las redes de apoyo, trayectorias y estrategias

Julio César Félix Chávez

6C     Migration, Law and Policy 4       [ Room: R138 ]

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Moderator:  Ülkü Sezgi Sözen, Universität Hamburg, Germany

183     Why the Anti-Migration and Security Border Wall’s Won’t Work? A Case Study of Israel’s Border Walls

Arnon Medzini, Lilach Lev-Ari

1885 Safe Third Country Practices as a Tool for Containment of Human Mobility

Gamze Ovacık

320        Declining immigration flows to Europe during the COVID-19 pandemic

Miguel González-Leonardo, Francisco Rowe, Michaela Potancokova, Anne Goujon

1835 Migrant Selection Perception Research

Brian Bongani Mohammed


6D     Wellbeing and Migration 3        [ Room: R140 ]

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Moderator:  Jocelyn O. Celero, University of the Philippines Diliman, Philippines

87           Misinformation among Migrants

Daniel Rojas Lozano

291     Examining Social Inclusion through Health Literacy of Filipino Migrant Domestic Workers in East Asia: The Case of Filipino House Helpers in Japan

Jocelyn O. Celero

142     Luchando Junt@s Por Una Familia Unida (Fighting Together for a United Family): Rebuilding the Cohesive Self of Immigrant Parents and Community Healing after a Family Separation in the United States – A Self Psychology Perspective

Cheryl Aguilar

393     The Politics of COVID-19 Against Racialized Migrant Communities in the U.S. Mexico Border Region

Ruby Johnston


6E     Youth and Children on the Move 1        [ Room: R142 ]

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Moderator:  Ana Vila-Freyer, Universidad Latina de México

371         The Sociology of the Unaccompanied Minor

Hansel Alejandro Aguilar Avila

28  ‘Eat, sleep, school, repeat’: The influence of the Dutch asylum system on the capabilities and aspirations of unaccompanied asylum-seeking adolescents during their transition to adulthood.

Kjell Winkens, Elianne Zijlstra, Wendy Post, Monika Smit

53        The Collateral Effects of Deportation on the Children of Mixed- immigration Households: Obstacles and Possibilities in Education

Irasema Mora-Pablo, Ana Karen Ocampo-Márquez

1832 The Intersection of Youth Development and Migration: Building the Capacity of Youth Development Professionals to Create Thriving for Migrant Youth

Mitchell Mason, Marilu Andon, Anindita Das 

47        The transition to adulthood of unaccompanied minor refugees

Lise Hacquebord, Elianne Zijlstra, Wendy Post, Monika Smit


6F      Migration, Space and Place 3     [ Room: R143 ]

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Moderator:  Ibrahim Sirkeci, International Business School, UK

1893 Reconceptualizing Elinor Ostrom’s design principles in light of the global climate crisis

Aniseh Bro

281     The relation between climate change and migration determinants in the Chuj native population in Guatemala

Cindy Espina

39        Black to Mexico: Contemporary Black U.S. American Migration to Mexico

Lewis Miles


6G     Migraciones, Globalización y Transnacionalismo 3          [ Room: Xavier Schiffler (Level 2) ]

Join via Zoom

Moderator:  Pascual G. García-Macías, UTPL, Ecuador

1887 Condiciones laborales de trabajadores mexicanos con visas H-2A en Arizona durante la pandemia por Covid-19

Marey Fonseca Parra

173     Repensando la frontera: Instrumentalización y presencia de las necropolíticas en el tránsito de migrantes centroamericanos por México

Loredana Amelio Flores

158     Un estudio de sociología del derecho: tradiciones migratorias y derecho

Zeynep Üskül Engin

270     Emigración ecuatoriana en la pandemia por la COVID-19: el tránsito por la selva del Darién

Luis Enrique Calva Sánchez


6H     Education and Skilled Migration 2         [ Room: Fernando Bustos (Level 2) ]

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Moderator:  Paula Alonso Pardo, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain

9          Intercultural education courses in Mexico as a mechanism to avoid xenophobia and discrimination against immigrants. Are we doing the homework?

Mauricio Hernandez Ramirez

307     Access or Exclusion? Administrative Barriers to School Enrolment for migrant children in Mexico

Alexander Koenig

1846 Experiences of discrimination of international students and implications for future mobility

Ann Kim, Monisha Poojary

1855 Narratives on Rural Schools: Schooling, Migrant Students and Depopulation in Spain

Paula Alonso Pardo  

6I      Digital Transformation – Digitalización [Español]         [ Room: Angel Palerm (Level 2) ]

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Moderator:  Cristina Barrón, Iberoamericana University, Mexico

348     Desafíos de privacidad y derechos humanos en la digitalización de trámites migratorios: evidencia sobre migrantes en tránsito por México hacia Estados Unidos

Amairani Ximena Mendieta Escalante, Francisco Adrián García García

353     Brecha de género en la apropiación de tecnologías digitales entre personas migrantes en tránsito: evidencia sobre personas migrantes centro y sudamericanas en tránsito por México hacia Estados Unidos Francisco Adrián García García, Amairani Ximena Mendieta Escalante

5 July 2024, Friday – 14:15 – 15:45

7A     Gender and Migration 3             [ Room: R134 ]

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Moderator:  Carla Pederzini, Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico

41       LGBTQ+ newcomers’ settlement and integration experiences and providers’ perspectives on meeting their needs in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada

Sulaimon Giwa

272    (Dis)Empowerment and migration: the case of women and gender diverse migrants in Mexico

Laura Abril Ríos-Rivera

292    The Indian Gender Gap in Educational Attainment & Workforce

Harmeet Kaur Kalsi

1875 A Study on Symbolic Violence Against Married migrant women in Korean society

Youngyoung Lee

298    “Centering lived experiences through the lenses of gender and intersectionality, and community engagement to strengthen Health Systems: Evidence from Rohingya Refugees in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh”.

Monira Ahsan


7B     Diversidad y Migración [Español]         [ Room: R136 ]

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Moderator:  Pascual G. García-Macías, UTPL, Ecuador

266     Los retos del Sur global frente al nuevo régimen internacional de refugio. El caso de Tapachula y la frontera sur de México

Susann Vallentin Hjorth Boisen

75           Ecuador vive una nueva ola de migración

Jessica Andrea Ordóñez-Cuenca

100     Entre el control y la protección desde las leyes mexicanas; Adolescentes centroamericanxs en situación de movilidad en México Rasha Salah

375     Flujos migratorios en la frontera sur de México: viejos y nuevos perfiles

Rosalba Jasso Vargas, Julieta Bengochea Soria


7C     Migration policies and practices in the new century/ Prácticas y políticas migratorias en el nuevo siglo [Español]         [ Room: R138 ]

Join via Zoom:

Moderator:  Valeria Valle, Iberoamericana, Mexico

186     Las políticas migratorias en México en la coyuntura electoral presidencial de 2024-2030

Rodolfo García Zamora, Selene Gaspar Olvera

260     How a multisectoral intervention with migrants helps build primary healthcare resilience: the case of the “Ventanillas de Salud” in Mexican Consulates in the United States

Pablo Gaitán-Rossi, Mireya Vilar-Compte, Arturo Vargas Bustamante,

354     Personal data collection of transit migrants: Quid pro quos and the risks of digital border externalization

Liliana Joy Frankel, Andrew Bahena, Santiago Narváez

7D     Liderazgos migrantes en América Latina [Español]      [ Room: R140 ]

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Moderator: Valentina Cappelletti, Universidad Pontificia Católica del Perú Andrea Freddi, Universidad de Los Lagos

359     Liderazgos latinoamericanos en la diáspora en España: análisis de sus trayectorias y la construcción de la acción colectiva

Pilar Cruz Zúñiga

241     Liderazgos transnacionales y formas organizativas para el desarrollo comunitario: los casos de Guerrero y Michoacán, México

Carlos Alberto González Zepeda, Zoila Román Espinal

2006 Liderazgo y nuevas dinámicas de género en organizaciones de migrantes mexicanos en Estados Unidos

            Carlos Alberto González Zepeda, Luis Escala Rabadán

2005 Análisis de una trayectoria de liderazgo migrante senegalés en la ciudad de La Plata, Argentina

Amit Voscoboinik

2004 Facilitadores interculturales y líderes migrantes como promotores de salud de la población de niños y niñas migrante de origen latinoamericano en Chile

Alejandra Carreño


7E     Mexico as a destination: Social and Political Dynamics/ Mexico como destino: dinámicas sociales y políticas [Español]    [ Room: 142 ]

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Moderator:  Heidi Smith, Iberoamericana, Mexico

81        Registro y control de extranjeros en México. Colombianas y colombianos en el Registro Nacional de Extranjeros (RNE). Un acercamiento cuantitativo

Paola Prieto Mejía

92        La cobertura de la migración en México y Centroamérica en las agencias de noticias internacionales: Entre la especialización y la integración de una nueva cultura periodística

Ernesto Navarro López, Christopher David Tulloch

365     La migración climática y delincuencia organizada en México: Amenaza a la dignidad humana

Raúl Gutiérrez Patiño, Celia Arteaga Conde, Cindy Esperanza Martínez Espina, Valentina Álvarez-Icaza

7F      Migraciones, Globalización y Transnacionalismo 4 [Español]          [ Room: 143]

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Moderator: Karla Valenzuela-Moreno, Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico

125     Migraciones climáticas, “los nuevos” desplazados forzosos

Natalia Rodríguez Ariano

18        De la teoría a la práctica: Retos y aprendizajes de implementar proyectos de Manejo de Gestión Menstrual en contextos de movilidad humana en la frontera Sur de México

Mariana González Magaña, Abril Rossana Páez Rosano, Dana Maya Chong, Mónica Díaz Cardozo; David A. Sánchez Garduño

113     Transnational Repression by Latin American Governments to their Emigrants: The Case of Refugees in Mexico

Elena Sánchez Montijano


7G     Migration Theory, Data and Methods 1   [ Room: Xavier Schiffler (Level 2)]

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Moderator:  Paulette K. Schuster, Reichman University, Israel

231     Why not stay: Chapulineras in Oaxaca and alternatives to emigration

Jeffrey H. Cohen, Paulette K. Schuster

259     From Binary to Continuum to Feature: Retheorizing Liminal Legality within the U.S. Immigration Context

Emma Miriam Lezberg

199     Worlds in motion redux? Expanding migration theories and their interconnections

Fernando Riosmena

1826 Explaining Central American Migration with the Neoclassical Economics and The New Economics Theories of Migration Clemente Quinones


7H     Education and Skilled Migration 3         [ Room: Fernando Bustos (Level 2) ]

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Moderator:  Sadhana Manik, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

201     The Integration of First-Generation East Asian Immigrants in Mexico City

Yu Huang

261     Relationship between Socioeconomic Status and Integration Level of International Students in China

Rabia Mahmood, Freda Yanrong Wang

226     The Intersections of Central American Migration, US Empire and Teacher Identity

Yianella Blanco

1776 Discursive Positionality: Experiences abroad of first year International PhD students

Sadhana Manik, Elizabeth Oyewo


5 July 2024, Friday – 16:00 – 18:00

Roundtable 4: “Migration and Social Mobility in sending and receiving destinations” – Sponsored by Centro de Estudios Espinosa Yglesias.          [Room: Auditorio Ignacio Ellacuría, Building S, basement]

Join via Zoom

Chair: Roberto Vélez, Centro de Estudios Espinosa Yglesias, Mexico

Invited Speakers:

Alfredo Cuecuecha, University of Notre Dame

Norma Fuentes Mayorga, City University of New York, USA


Cesar Velázquez Guadarrama, Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico


18:00: Closing speech:

–              Dr. Luis Arriaga Valenzuela, S.J. Rector of Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico

VIRTUAL SESSIONS – 8-9 July 2024

8 July 2024, Monday – 08:00 09:30

8B     V – Arts, Media and Migration

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Moderator: Patricia Posch, Communication and Society Studies Centre (CECS), Portugal

23        Framing Syrian Migration to Ireland in The Irish Times and Irish Independent

Moufida Benmoussa

66       A Multi-layered Analysis of Merali’s Memoir of a Life of Migration

Siddiqua Fatima Virji

254     The anti-immigration rhetoric of VOX in X: border communication and ‘figures of hate’ production in the digital public space

Paula Medina García

304     Migration and Contemporary Visual Art: Exploring Intersections and Possibilities

Patricia Posch


8C      V – Economics, Work and Migration 1

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Moderator:  Sadaf Mahmood, The Women University of Multan, Pakistan

50        Unveiling the Nexus: A Bibliometric and Scientometric Analysis of Inequality and Migration

Boutaina Ismaili Idrissi, El Houssin Ouassou

151     Between Mirage and Reality: Perspectives and Stories of Pakistani Migrant Workers in the Arabian Peninsula

Muhammad Saeed

220     From Day One: Fostering Diversity and Inclusion in Onboarding

Kathy Sanderson, Julia Whitney, Ryan Hron,

316     Global Employees Adaptation Challenges: A Systematic Literature Review

Vaiva Pašakinskienė, Vilmantė Kumpikaitė-Valiūnienė


8D     V – Gender and Migration 1

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Moderator:  Sulette Ferreira, University of Pretoria, South Africa

382     Timeless Bonds: Grandparenthood Across Time Zones

Sulette Ferreira

83       Investigating barriers to ESOL for female refugee learners in Suffolk

Amna Smith

310     In the search of “Green Pasture”: An exploratory study on the everyday life experiences of Punjabi left-behind women and migrant women in Italy

Atinder Pal Kaur, Carla De Tona

1820 Asylum Claims from New Afghanistan and Gender-Sensitive Approach of The CEDAW

Ruya Inanir, Sebnem Akipek Kocal


8E     V – Migration Epistemology 1

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Moderator:  Irina Savchenko, Moscow City University, Moscow, Russia

2048 IT – migration: Euler’s circles of external expansion and internal colonialism

Alina O. Kostina

2049 Migration as a way of knowledge

Ilya Kasavin

2050 Migration categorized: Epistemological implications

Dmitry Murzaev

2052 Migration as a “pivotal agent” of intellectual innovation: a case study of Armenians

Vladimir Kuzmin


8F      V – Economics, Work and Migration 3

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Moderator: Imran Sarihasan, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology for Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland

312     Experiences of Iranian Migrant Women Working in Turkey: A Qualitative Analysis

Betul Dilara Seker

321     Social support of labor migrants in Russia: problems and prospects

Maksim Borodkin

120     How Crises Work as a Barrier Activator for Immigrant Entrepreneurship: Case from Hungary during the COVID-19 Pandemic Imran Sarihasan

1790 The Paradigm Shift of Chinese Migration: From Economic Migration to Investment Migration

Sing Ip Daniel Lai

8 July 2024, Monday – 10:00 11:30

9A     V – Wellbeing and Migration 1

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Moderator: Ruchi Singh, Tata Institute, India

227     Psychological Interventions for Immigrant and Racialized Women: The Need for Culturally Adapted Practices

Izabela Maria de Oliveira Pinheiro, Maria da Conceição de Oliveira Carvalho Nogueira, Joana Bessa Topa,

228     Medical Evidence in Refugee Status Determination: PTSD as a Case Study

Hasna Mehraj Sheikh

1860   Adaptation and Well-being: The Relationship between Sociocultural Integration and Psychological Well-being of Refugees in Africa

Juma Kalyegira, Stefan Stürmer, Marieke van Egmond, Jens Hellmann

386     Navigating Maternity: Challenges and Opportunities for Brazilian Migrants in Portugal

Joana Bessa Topa


9B     V – Education and Skilled Migration 1

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Moderator:  Zaynab Benabdallah, International Business School, Manchester, UK

313     Education of Syrian Refugee Children in Turkey: A Systematic Review

Betul Dilara Seker

134     Emigration of highly qualified students from Morocco: an analysis using panel data

Zaynab Benabdallah, Chekrouni Djamila

257     Beyond Borders: Understanding Why Nigerian Doctors Choose the UK as Their Professional Destination

Mohammed Abdullahi

284     Students Mobility to GCC Countries: Motivations and Factors

Abdulla Noor Mohammad Arbabi


9C     V – Economics, Work and Migration 2

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Moderator:  Olgu Karan, Baskent University, Turkey

10        Chinese markets in Russia before and after the COVID-19 pandemic: a comparative analysis

Olga Zalesskaia

17      Problems Faced by Migrants during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Hilal Barın

2058 Mental Well-Being of Migrant Laborers: A Qualitative Exploration in Mumbai

Pratik Ganesh Rajale, Ruchi Singh


9D     V – Migration, Law and Policy 1

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Moderator: Stefani Stojchevska, South East European University, North Macedonia

153     Policy Perspectives on Migration in India: Assessing Government Strategies and Impacts on Society

Rahul Kumar, Sharad Shekhawat

155     The Quagmire of Internal Displacement: Reinstatement Challenges and Counter Strategies in District Swat, Pakistan

Muhammad Rafiq, Asan Ali Golam Hassan, Muhammad Saeed,

189     The Legislative Impact of Atomic Bomb Testing on Nuclear Migration

Stefani Stojchevska, Bekim Nuhija

223     Assessment of the European Union’s New Pact on Migration and Asylum From a Human Security Perspective

Pınar Çağlayan


9E     V – Migration and Integration

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Moderator:  Sadaf Mahmood, The Women University of Multan, Pakistan

1789 Sense of belonging in young second-generation Muslim immigrants: Mosques and Faith-based organizations

Aleezay Khaliq

251     Migrant subjectivities amidst the neoliberal restructurings in a super-diverse street in Berlin

Khadeeja Farrukh

122     The Influence of Immigrants’ Perceptions of Host Society and Their Experiences of Integration: The Case of Polish Immigrant Communities in Europe

Katarzyna Górska, Joanna Kulpińska, Anna Wyrwisz

163     Integrating into Multiculturalism: The Lived Experiences of Long-Term Married Female Migrants in South Korea

Yewon Jung, Zhuang Han


9F      V – Migración y Diversidad                   [Español]

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Moderator: Pascual G. García-Macías, UTPL, Ecuador

169     Análisis (de)constructivista del Derecho Migratorio Internacional: las ideas de la contradicción

Juan Carlos Valarezo Sánchez

325     Ciudadanía activa y resiliencia en familias de estatus migratorio mixto del centro occidente, México-Estados Unidos

Diana Tamara Martínez Ruíz, Alejandra Ceja Fernandez, María de los Ángeles Blas Martínez,

1888 La invisibilidad de la población migrante internacional ante los factores psicosociales que inciden en violencia durante su tránsito por Sinaloa (2018-2022)

Vianey Guadalupe Zúñiga Castro, Brianda Elena Peraza Noriega

195     Repensar la Inmigración y la Diversidad

  1. Isabel Garrido Gómez

8 July 2024, Monday – 12:00 – 13:30

10A   V – Wellbeing and Migration 2

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Moderator:  Pinar Yazgan, Sakarya University, Turkey

43        The Psychology of Forced Displacement and the Identity of Forcibly Displaced

Merve Önenli Güven, Sezen Ceceli Köse, Fatma Kübra Aldemir

165     Obstetric violence and the production of subalternity in the bodies of racialized Brazilian women in Portugal

Mariana Holanda Rusu, Conceição Nogueira, Joana Bessa Topa

314     The Effect of Forced Immigration on the Subjective Well-being of Natives: Evidence from Germany

Kamal Kassam, Katharina Kolb

267     Bibliometric Analysis n Migrant’s Values

Ineta Žičkutė-Daugelavičienė, Vilmantė Kumpikaitė-Valiūnienė, Audra I. Mockaitis, Irma Banevičienė, Jurga Duobienė


10B   V – Migratory Crisis in Latin America: Signs of the Times 2 [Español]

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Moderator:  Jutta Battenberg, Iberoamericana University, Mexico

2066 Necropolíticas en los procesos migratorios centroamericanos, mediciones sociopastorales y expectativas de cambio Gerardo Cruz González

2067 Sombras y Luces sobre la Realidad de la Migración en los Estados Unidos

Yohan Garcia Lucero

2068 Repensar el paradigma de ciudadanía: entre globalización y pertenencia identitaria. Hacia una fraternidad universal Marco Strona

2069 La resignificación del sufrimiento social en el fenómeno migratorio

Miguel Ángel Sánchez Carlos


10C   V – Movilidad: migración en tiempos de pandemia en América Latina y el Caribe [Español]

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Moderator:  Gabriela Pinillos Quintero, Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico

2071 Presentación general del informe. Metodología y síntesis

Nicolás Pedemonte Rojas

2072 Migración rumbo a Norteamérica

Javier Urbano

2073 Migración en y hacia Sudamérica

Wooldy Louidor

10C   V – Movilidad: migración en tiempos de pandemia en América Latina y el Caribe [Español]

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Moderator:  Gabriela Pinillos Quintero, Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico

2071 Presentación general del informe. Metodología y síntesis

Nicolás Pedemonte Rojas

2072 Migración rumbo a Norteamérica

Javier Urbano

2073 Migración en y hacia Sudamérica

Wooldy Louidor

110     Situación de las y los adolescentes migrantes no acompañados en Chile, Colombia, Ecuador y Perú: Un análisis de la respuesta estatal desde los estándares internacionales de derechos humanos

Marcela Huaita, Diana Manrique Kukurelo, Julissa Chávez

10D   V – Migration, Law and Policy 2

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Moderator:  Guven Seker, Carleton University, Canada

137     A hybrid warfare tool morphing into a profitable business? The deliberate facilitation of irregular immigration at the EU’s border with Belarus

Edina Lilla Meszaros

273     “Performing Citizenship” The Role of R.A.D. Music International in Refugee Integration on Lesvos, Greece

Jennifer Sherrill

1833 A Decade of Hungarian Migration to the United Kingdom: Changing Patterns, Structural Shift, and the Impact of the Brexit Referendum and the Pandemic

Anna Sara Ligeti

2074 Understanding Migration Management Policies: Milestones, Challenges and Peculiarities

Mehmet Gökay Özerim


10E   V – European Migration Space

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Moderator:  Deniz Yetkin Aker, Beykent University, Turkey

64        The Impact of War Refugees from Ukraine on the Stability of Selected Security Systems of European States

Aleksandra Skrabacz, Bartosz Kozicki, Patrycja Bryczek-Wróbel

62        Migration experiences in Southern Europe: the mobility of retired Italians

Alice Lomonaco, Marco Alberio, Susi Anny Veloso Resende

109     What drives people to migrate to the European Union? An exploratory analysis under the aspirations and capabilities framework.

Georgios Tsaples, Anastasia Blouchoutzi

255     Western wives, Eastern daughters – living in long-distance transnational families: On spatial hypergamy, inequality, patriarchy and self-fulfilling prophecies

Szonja Zoltanfi

8 July 2024, Monday – 14:00 – 15:30

11A   V – Migration Theory, Data and Methods 2

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Moderator:  Deniz Utku Eroglu, Trakya University, Turkey

16        Völkerwanderung as an element of the political culture of European civilization

Orazio Maria Gnerre

214     Pull factors of migration processes in European Union – systematic literature review

Vilmantė Kumpikaitė-Valiūnienė, Ewa Rollnik-Sadowska, Ewa Glińska, Ineta Žičkutė-Daugelavičienė

215     A Comprehensive Review of Key factors Enhancing Effectiveness of Counseling international Students

Sandra Četrauskienė, Vilmantė Kumpikaitė-Valiūnienė

280     Building Inclusive Workplaces: Integrating Immigrant Voice in Qualitative Research Methods

Kathy Sanderson, Ryan Hron


11B   V – La ética de la migración y las ciencias sociales [Español]

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Moderator:  Enrique Camacho Beltrán, UNAM, Mexico

2020 Perspectivas cosmopolitas y sus implicaciones para la movilidad humana

Mariana Mendívil Alba

2021 Diplomacia de las diásporas en México y bienestar subjetivo

Alejandro Mosqueda Esparza

2022 Reconsidering refugeehood expansion: should we expand the concept, its application or its predictors?

Enrique Camacho Beltrán


11C   V – Identities and Migration 1

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Moderator:  Orazio Maria Gnerre, University of Perugia, Italy

77        Migrant women from Turkey in Europe: Diasporic Identity and Solidarity

Nazli Yagmur Erdogmus, Carla Moleiro, Susana Batel,

175     Being, belonging and becoming Sub-Saharan migrants in Morocco

Salim Dib

1785 Marcel Mauss between geomorphology, transnationality and human migrations

Orazio Maria Gnerre

1843 The desire to “leave” does not always mean migrating: An analysis of Hasta que pase un huracán (2012) by Margarita García Robayo

Jorge Felipe Augusto Ovalle Pinzón

11D   V – Migration, Law and Policy 3

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Moderator:  Guven Seker, Carleton University, Canada

2          Private sponsorship of refugees: a possible way forward

Chiara Berneri

45  Evaluation of the Procedures Regarding the Deportation of Foreigners in the Light of the Decisions of the Turkish Constitutional Court within the Framework of the Right to Respect for Family Life

Melis Avsar

1841 Migration processes and demography in the Far East as the “Achilles’ heel” of the Russian “Turn to the East”

Evgenii Gamerman

391     Irregular Migration as a Complex Disaster

DeMond Shondell Miller, Nicola Davis Bivens

30       The CBP One App at the Mexico-US Border: Ethnographic Counterstories and Insights

Mikel W. Cole, Stephanie M. Madison, Will McCorkle, USA

11E   V – Migrant and Refugee Integration in Mexico 2

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Moderator: Karla Valenzuela-Moreno, Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico

373     Negocios hidalguenses en la Metroplex de Dallas-Fort Worth: retos y experiencias durante la pandemia de Covid-19

Ámbar Paz

180     Perceptions towards migrants and refugees: a federal and local analysis

Elena Sanchez-Montijano, Gerardo Maldonado

1801 Migration and local integration. An experience from the southern border of Mexico

Martha Luz Rojas-Wiesner

1802 Migratory landscapes: Challenges for the integration of migrants in the Metropolitan Area of Monterrey

Eloisa Román-Fajardo

341  Vacunación en personas migrantes en Chile: experiencias, barreras y facilitadores en los procesos  Inmunización del plan nacional y de vacunación contra SARS-CoV-2, años 2020-2023

Alejandra Carreño, Alexandra Obach, Michelle Sadler, Baltica Cabieses


9 July 2024, Tuesday – 08:00 – 09:30

12A   V – Migration Theory, Data and Methods 3

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Moderator:  H. Yaprak Civelek, Anadolu University, Turkey

13        Are survey measures for irregular migration intentions biased? Evidence from a list experiment in Ethiopia

Eduardo Acostamadiedo

218     Possibilities of ethics of relationalities and decolonial research approaches through Photovoice and Kuwentuhan (Filipino talk-story) in visibilizing community organizing of LGBTQ+ Filipino/a/xs in Montréal, Quebec, Canada

Jacqueline Colting Stol

339     Is Modern Migration Studies Useful for The Study of Ancient History?

Eric M. Trinka

118     Levelling up the Discussion on Forced Migrants’ Integration: Findings from Quantitative Research on Turkey

Ziad Alahmad


12B   V – Identities and Migration 2

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Moderator:  Mehmet Rauf Kesici, Freie Universität Berlin

119     “Bad days don’t last forever”: metamorphoses of the migratory project

Diane Portugueis, Cecília Pescatore Alves

171     Multiple/hybrid identities and economic outcomes: A comparison between Kurdish/Turkish migrants and their descendants in Germany Mehmet Rauf Kesici

208     Rethinking Belonging: Citizenship Perceptions among Asylum Seekers, Refugees, and Host Communities in Athens

Claire Felix

318     Togetherness in Displacement: The Construction and the Preservation of Ukrainian Identity in Türkiye

Elif Duru, Şebnem Köşer Akçapar


12C   V – Migration and Integration 1

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Moderator:  Michela C. Pellicani, University of Bari, Italy

1827 An Examination of Pre-Departure Soft Skills Training for Filipino Healthcare Professionals Migrating to Germany

Hannilette Anne Diola

1850 The Ethiopian community-police relationships in Israel

Liat Yakhnich

136     Governance Networks and Eritrean Asylum Seekers Integration in Tel Aviv

Arie Herscovici, Lilach Lev-Ari

2025 Asylum Seekers Integration and Policies in Istanbul from the Perspective of Legal Sociology

Zeynep Üskül Engin, Dolunay Çörek Akyıldız, Bengisu Mert

12D   V – Migration, Law and Policy 4

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Moderator:  Guven Seker, Carleton University, Canada

154     Integrating or Isolating? Examining Japan’s Globalization Efforts through Ibaraki Prefecture’s Approach to Immigration

Brandon Bodenstein

196     Light at the End of the Tunnel? An Investigation of Chinese Applicants in the Regularisation of Long-Term Undocumented Migrant Scheme Meishan Zhang

1797 Migration and Security in a Changing International Order

Laura Planas Gifra

1          How has the political discourse in Japan with regards to immigration changed? An analysis of four decades of political debate in the National Diet.

Maximilien Xavier Rehm


12E   V – Insecurities and Migration

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Moderator:  Sahizer Samuk Carignani, Wilfried Laurier University, Canada

247     Geographical Concentration of African Migrants in Ankara. Where and why?

Oluwaseyi Igbekele Adeleye, Osman Balaban

279     The 2015/2016 New Year’s Eve Cologne Event and Anti-refugee Crimes

Mohamad Alhussein Saoud

334     Beyond Boundaries: Unveiling the Complex Dynamics of Post-Conflict Migration in Kosovo

Granit Elezaj, Fjolla Osmani Elezaj

52        Human trafficking and vulnerability in mixed migrations flows: a case- studies reflection

Dimou Maria


12F    V – Migration Epistemology 2

Join by Zoom:

Moderator: Ilya Kasavin, Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Moscow, Russia

2047 Science communications in cities: the migration of ideas and the problem of epistemic injustice

Anna Sakharova

2051 Migration of scientific ideas as a factor of bioethical reflection in Latin America

Sergey Druzhkin

2053 Migration horizons of intellectual breakthrough: the phenomenon of the European city

Irina Savchenko

2054 Migration as a form of social stability in the context of epistemological urban studies

Yulia Kozlova

12G   V – Gender and Migration 2

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Moderator:  Zeynep Banu Dalaman, Istanbul Topkapi University, Turkey

2076 Feminization of Migration: Examining Gender Dynamics, Cultural Norms, and the Development of Gender-responsive Policies Zeynep Banu Dalaman

61        Surveillance and Identity: Queer Iranian Refugees’ Navigation of Belonging

Isabel Rose Soloaga

174     Domestic violence against Brazilian women abroad from transnational, intercultural and intersectional perspectives Camila Escudero

324     Deciphering the Agency in Migration Decision-making among the Women of Korail Informal Settlement, Bangladesh

Rasheda Rawnak Khan

1822 Marital Life of F-2 Visa Holders through Intersectionality Lens

Fatemeh Bakhshalizadeh


12H     V – Crimean Tatar Diaspora and Tatar Forced Migrants after Russia’s Attack on Ukraine (2014-2023)

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Moderator:  Sebnem Koser Akcapar, Social Sciences University of Ankara, Turkey

2059 Taking refuge in the city “with the largest population of Crimean Tatars on earth”: Exploring the relations among Crimean Tatar diaspora and recent forced migrants from Crimea and from Ukraine in Eskişehir, Turkey

Sebnem Koser Akcapar, Filiz Tutku Aydın

2060 Survival Strategies of the Crimean Tatar Community in Poland: The Discourse of Community Leaders after the 2014 Annexation

Nedim Useinow

2061 The role of Crimean Tatars in Romania in facilitating the settlement of Ukrainian refugees

Metin Omer

Discussant: Marta Jaroszewicz


9 July 2024, Tuesday – 10:00 – 11:30

13A   V – Art, Activism and Responsible Social Research on Human Mobility in the North American Context 1

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Moderator: Camelia Tigau, Center for Research on North America (CISAN), National Autonomous University of Mexico

1805 Levels of coercion and trauma in international migration. A model based on intellectual exiles in North America

Camelia Tigau

18051 Women on the Move: Embracing the Intersectionality Perspective in the Study of New Migration Flows in the United States

Anahí Viladrich

18052 The Documentary as a Transformative Methodology in Working with Migrants

Aaraon Díaz Mendiburo

18053 The Guelaguetza of Oaxakeepsie: processes of community empowerment and folklorization among the Oaxacan community of Poughkeepsie, New York

Edgar Manuel Baltazar Amigon

18054 Screenwriters of Mexican Origin in 21st Century Hollywood

Everest Landa

13B   V – Remittances and Development

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Moderator:  Boutaina Ismaili Idrissi, Mohamed V University, Rabat, Morocco

49        The Nexus Between Remittances and Financial Inclusion: A Systematic Review by Prisma Method

Boutaina Ismaili Idrissi, Hajar Boudri

95        Financial inclusion, workers’ remittances and employment: Empirical study on Morocco

Boutaina Ismaili Idrissi, Hajar Boudri

198     Determinants of Moroccan Migrant’s Remittances: Applying The Heckman Method in Two-Step

Sara Kawkaba, Boutaina Ismaili Idrissi

379     Championing Justice: International Organizations’ Role in Protecting Gulf Migrant Workers under Kafala

Pratik Bhargav

327     Does the Arrival of Remittances Affect Human Development in South Asian States? An Observational Revelation

Budhadev Mahanta, Dhanajay Kumar Gochhayat


13C   V – Wellbeing and Migration 3

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Moderator: Ruchi Singh, Tata Institute, India

89        Prevalence and Determinants of Mental Health Problems among Internally Displaced Persons in Zamfara State Nigeria

Akintunde Damilare Michael, Akintunde Omotola Olawunmi

55        Health Equity Framework in Addressing the Disconnection between Migration and Social Determinants of Health

Oguz Kaan Ozalp

237     Key issues of labor migrants’ access to healthcare services in Russia

Olga Borodkina

1864 The ‘many faces’ of migrant sex workers as entrepreneurs – Exploring ‘future building’ amongst migrant escorts and indoor prostitutes in the UK

Shirley Velasquez-Hoque


13D   V – Migration and Integration 2

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Moderator:  Sahizer Samuk Carignani, Wilfried Laurier University, Canada

160     Syrian Refugee Farmworkers: Why Forced Migration is an Agrarian Question?

China Sajadian

1062 A Tale of Two Cities: (E-/Im-)Migration and Resentment Through the Eyes of Commercianti in Pavia and Mantova

Anna Marino, Sara de Athouguia Filipe

1804 Undocumented Migration, Cross Border Crime and The Securitization Theory: A South African Reflection

Victor H. Mlambo

1829 Trajectories of asylum and refuge in Galicia, Spain: welcoming initiatives in rural and urban contexts.

Leticia Santaballa, Keina Espiñeira

13E   V – Education and Skilled Migration 2

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Moderator:  Adi Binhas, Beit Berl College, Israel

147     Personal and Professional Identity Perceptions of Jewish Culture Teachers from the Former Soviet Union

Adi Binhas, Yaniv Iris

111     How to build a highly skilled migrant

María Esther Cervantes Macias

258     The Growing Adoption of STEM Degrees among Bangladeshi International Migrant Students in Postgraduate Studies Farita Binte Hannan, Saifur Rashid


13F    V – Migration, Law and Policy 5

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Moderator:  Michela C. Pellicani, University of Bari, Italy

161     Assessing the Implications of Potential UNRWA Collapse in Gaza Post- 7th October: What Now for International Refugee Regime?

Hasan Basri Bülbül

1777 Borderless Dystopias: Forced Migration and the Power of Place in the 21st-Century United States

Alexandra Villarreal

1886 The Role of the Regional Dimension in the International Migration

Michela C. Pellicani

85       What Drives Migration? A Contemporary Outlook

Gilbert Boateng


13G   Virtual – Invited Panel: Digital Transformation

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Moderator:  Ibrahim Sirkeci, International Business School, Manchester, UK

Keynote: E-Governance in South-East Asia: Digital transformation for more effective public sector policies

Prof Dr Anetta Čaplánová, University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovakia

Keynote: Online Anti-immigration: Telegram Groups and Malicious Actors

Prof Dr Mehmet Gökay Özerim, Yasar University, Turkey


13H   V – New Challenges and Migration

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Moderator:  Guven Seker, Carleton University, Canada

271     The exploration of the refugeeism of Ukrainians because of a full- scale invasion of Ukraine and their return home

Oksana Koshulko

240     A reading of the depiction of suffering in American Dirt

María Teresa Monroe

361     A Feminist Account of a Just Journey: A First Approximation

Allison B. Wolf, Gloria Zuccarelli

335     Religion in work with refugees

Zsofia Windisch